Dealing With Haters In Real Life And Online

In this article, I will explain my thoughts on how to deal with any haters online or in real life. As a kid, I used to dread having haters, because some might really peak into my personal insecurities and use those against me. Plus, the fact that most of the ones in my life came … Read more

My Life Experiment With Self-Help

If you are actively working towards your wildest dream life or if you have aspirations of becoming successful in any way possible as portrayed in the media, you may have wondered the following: There are countless advertisements over the Internet about success stories and money making opportunities to not miss. It may appear like it … Read more

My Initial Attempt At Investing

My initial approach to investing as a complete beginner having never done so before was to do it myself online. I could technically hire a manager to handle a portfolio on my behalf, but I decided not to at first, because I do not feel like I need one necessarily. It would still be worthwhile … Read more

Review of Paul Buchheit’s Speech, The Technology

This post will be a collection of my favorite quotes from Paul Buchheit’s (the creator of Gmail and FriendFeed) 2014 speech. You can find the full transcript here.  He begins his talk with a very interesting point :  I’ve decided to share the technology and dreams that matter to me, with the hope that it … Read more

My Approach To Entrepreneurship

I learned about entrepreneurship through Y combinator’s content,  Youtube videos, course lectures and speaker events from my university, books, biographies, formal work experiences and personal life observations. I am fully aware that it is impossible to describe it simply, but I distilled all of the knowledge absorbed into four sets of keywords: There is no … Read more