Why I Will Stop Blogging Seriously

Introduction It has been officially 7 months now since I started my blog. I have been working so hard on it ever since along with my other social media related accounts. Recently, I had to make a hard decision as to what to do with it in the future after speaking to several other bloggers … Read more

What Are The Three Best Things About You?

Introduction I first heard of such question back in 2016 during a philosophy course. My teacher used it as an ice-breaker exercise. My class had around 40-50 students and he paired us into groups of 2 where we would introduce each other to the other person. He wanted us to talk to someone we’ve never … Read more

My First Step In Vlogging

Introduction So after 7 months of blogging and uploading all sorts of content on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook, I slowly started to envision how to fuse all of these channels together. I really enjoy having these projects, because they serve as my creative outlets. I can live my life, document everything as much as I … Read more

Is “Move Fast And Break Things” A Good Advice?

Introduction Facebook is widely considered as one of the most popular social media platforms and successful companies in the world ever since it launched back in 2004. In its very early days, the website gained thousands of users who were mostly university students. The team behind it then saw a huge opportunity to build a … Read more